Worlds will collide Saturday night as a normal, non-SXSW show attempts to take place amongst all of the free, corporate shenanigans of SXSWi. However, I am writing this because I think seeing The Ruby Suns at Holy Mountain Saturday night is worth your time, money, attention and the hassle of actually getting to and from the venue itself. With four LPs under their belt, trend has finally caught up to what The Ruby Suns have been doing for years, which is to make 80's-synth-infused-indie-R&B. Now, before you try to "call me out," yes that's a real trend so shut up. Also, I know you are but what am I and all of that. It's going to be an all-ages show Saturday night so if you already have a previous engagement babysitting, that's no excuse. Kids LOVE 80's-synth-infused-indie-R&B!
The Ruby Suns - Kingfisher Call Me video via YouTube
Painted Palms share the bill with The Ruby Suns Saturday night, which I think is a great pairing. Painted Palms specialize in slightly off-kilter, keyboard-drive, dream-pop. They have yet to release a full-length LP so expect to hear lots of unreleased material, so to speak.
Painted Palms - Carousel video via YouTube