If the music of MS MR is good enough for the latest Game of Thrones trailer, it's good enough for you. Making moody synth-pop that's reminiscent of 90's music this New York duo has been making waves since the release of their song, Hurricane. As of right now they have yet to release a full-length album but it's coming soon and even if it was never released their four song EP, Candy Bar Creep Show is good enough to cement their place in indie-rock. I'm warning you now, MS MR are coming into SXSW with a lot of buzz so expect any of their appearances to be pretty mobbed with people. I saw one of my co-workers post on Facebook that he hoped their appearance at Lambert's would be low-key. I didn't want to quell his hopes but I can tell you, that is not going to happen.
MS MR - Fantasy video via YouTube
Here's what I have dredged up for info regarding appearances of MS MR at SXSW:
- Wednesday, March 13th - Lambert's - 3:30pm
- Thursday, March 14th - Hype Hotel - 12am *OFFICIAL*
- Friday, March 15th - Cedar St. - 2pm
As usual, it's possible there are more shows in the words and/or that they won't be able to make all of the ones you see above. It's also possible that some of these events require secret passwords/handshakes for you to get in so do your research.
***Previously Featured Artist: High Highs***