With all that being said, FFF7 has launched the first of their interactive elements this year. Head over to the Guess the Fest site now, login with your Facebook account and take 20 stabs at who you think will play this year's fest. They have some great prizes for the folks with the most correct guesses including PIP passes, and even round-trip tickets to this year's fest from any major U.S. city. I am not affiliated with the festival and I have no idea who will be booked but it's always exciting to guess. I'll post my guesses after the jump. For now enjoy this video from one of my wish-list bands, whom I SERIOUSLY doubt will be booked for FFF7 but perfectly embodies the spirit of the festival.
Django Django - Storm video via YouTube
Alright, so here are my guesses. Some of these artists, like Django Django and Team Me, I don't seriously think will get booked. Peaking Lights is a band that I don't really enjoy or "get" but I still think they are serious contenders for booking. All of the rest of my guesses are one part wish list and one part guess list. Who did you guess?

Discounted early sale tickets will be released in a couple of weeks so stay tuned here, or the official FFF7 site.
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