Having already gained massive popularity in the U.K. Peace are coming in to SXSW with a lot of attention overseas but very little exposure in the U.S. Could they be the next U.K. sensation to break into the American market? Absolutely. Could they also be the next Razorlight? Certainly. Regardless of how successful they may or may not become they are a great band who writes great songs and you should keep your eye out for opportunities to see them. Recommended if you like, sprawling, brit-psychedelic music through a pop-guitar-music filter. Think U2 doing their songs in the style of the Nuggets compilation. No, how about Pink Floyd goes punk? Ah, fuck it, just listen to Peace and create your own musical math equation.
Peace - Bloodshake via YouTube
If you thought Peace was coming all the way from Birmingham England to play one or two sets, buddy you have another think coming. Here's a few that I found in the usual places. Speaking of "the usual," all of this information could change and become totally wrong at any given moment so stay alert!
- Monday, March 11th - Viceland
- Wednesday, March 13th - Red 7 - 9:30pm *OFFICIAL*
- Thursday, March 14th - Mohawk - 3:30pm
- Friday, March 15th - Clive Bar - 3pm
- Friday, March 15th - The Scoot Inn
- Saturday, March 16th - British Music Embassy
***Previously Featured Artist: DIANA***