It's a typical weekend in Austin, which means there are a ton of good shows for you to catch. For my money, there is better stuff happening tonight than on Saturday night, which is kind of bizarre but that's just the way the dice land sometimes. Or roll? I don't know, something about dice. Let's do this!
Tonight is all about Red 7's outside stage. Technically, Dead Confederate are headlining but I'm all about Equals and Residual Kid. Both of whom share tonight's bill. You can buy tickets online right now or you can roll the dice and pay at the door. That's your call.
Equals - Live video via YouTube
Friday night there are actually too many good shows so we're just going to stay home in our jammies and listen to Debbie Gibson records instead. No? Not feelin' that? More of a Tiffany fan? I feel that.
Chvrches play Stubb's Friday night, which is sold-out but you can also see them for free at 5pm inside Waterloo Records. There's a great local line-up at Mohawk featuring Boyfrndz, Growl, GoldSpine and TAFT
Friday night also has Besnard Lakes stopping by Red 7 with Elephant Stone in tow. If you like psychedelic music then this is the only place for you Friday night.
Elephant Stone - Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin video via YouTube
Oh shit you guys, Cass McCombs is in town tomorrow night too! How the fuck are we supposed to sort all of this out? The only thing that makes me weary of the Cass show is the crowd. I feel like if people talked through his set I might stab them in the eyes with brooches Oedipus-stylee.
I don't really have a segue from that Oedipus reference but I wanted to mention that if you're down with dance music, The Juan MacLean will be at Kingdom Friday night as well. It's like show-a-polooza on Friday.
On Saturday I'm presenting you with two choices, Built to Spill at Stubb's or head to Holy Mountain for Walker Lukens, Roger Sellers, Royal Forest & She Sir.
Sunday is the Lord's day but he is going to share it with Charli XCX who will be performing two sets. First you can catch Charli at Waterloo Records. That set starts at 5pm and I can't imagine what that will entail. A few hours later she'll take the stage in Austin's best sounding room, The Parish. I'm not sure if I'll be able to attend this show but I really want to. I love Charli, love the Parish, love free street parking, one love.
Charli XCX - SuperLove video via YouTube
Charli XCX Photo Credit: Angelo Kritikos
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