Wednesday, March 6, 2013

SXSW 2013 Preview: High Highs

New York band, High Highs is certainly deserving of all of the "Band to Watch" attention they've been receiving. With beautiful, delicate songs that start as meditations and then evolve into big, grand tunes it's easy to compare them to bands like Local Natives or The National. This is music you listen to with the windows down on a breezy summer night or even better on your turntable with the lights turned low. If you're doing SXSW the free route, I don't think you're going to appreciate High Highs as much. I feel like their music will be ruined by drunk people talking over their set and if they get an amateur sound person the whole effect will be ruined. In other words, it could be worth it to buy your way in to their Wednesday night showcase.

High Highs - Flowers Bloom video via YouTube

There are at least three opportunities for you to get swept up into High Highs at SXSW:
  • Wednesday, March 13th - Empire Control Room - 9pm
  • Thursday, March 14th - Homeslice Pizza - 6:15pm
  • Saturday, March 16th - Dirty Dog Bar - 1:00pm

***Previously Featured Artist: Robert Delong***

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