Saturday, May 2, 2009
Soulive Get Fonkay at Antones Tonight
Soulive - Tuesday Night's Club video via YouTube
I'm surprised I didn't notice this before, but I was over at Do512 looking through all the shows and happy hours I can't afford to go to tonight and I noticed that Soulive is in town tonight. I know some of you my judge me, call me a hippie etc. but Soulive are a kick-ass band. I have never seen them in concert but I've def listened to a lot of their shows over at the archive and it's usually a pretty transcendent experience...that's like kind of pregnant isn't it? Anyway, tickets will set you back about $25 but the show is at Antone's, which means intimate setting, excellent sound and easily accessible merch and bar.
You can stream/download, comment about, a Soulive show from La Zona Rosa here. Free Mp3 courtesy of the Internet Archive.
Free Mp3 ---> Soulive - Crosstown Traffic
Crazy! I just noticed my friend Nigel Hall is on the same label as Soulive! Nigel if you're reading this congratulations but I still want my copy of the Breakfast Club you borrowed. What's up with that?
Nigel Hall - In Love Again video via YouTube
That video reminded me how horns are SO much more popular in New England than they are here in Austin. In Austin most of the bands I see have 3 members, in New England it was more like 6 or 7. No wonder the bands from my cold, New England childhood never tour too far from home, costs too much money for 6-8 dudes in a van to travel around the country.
This was my go-to band in High School, I probably saw these guys play 15 times or more between 1996-2002(?) but chances are unless you're from New England you have never heard of them. They have a new album that they probably won't tour behind but you can get it on iTunes, which is one step closer I guess.
Rustic Overtones - Combustible video via YouTube
That song didn't really feature the love of the brass instruments though, so one more from Rustic. These are probably their most classic jams. They're live versions so they're big, long files from a May 2002 performance, which I attended (duh). Oh yeah, and it's also courtesy of the Internet Archive.
Free Mp3 ---> Rustic Overtones - Dig (10MB file)
Free Mp3 ---> Rustic Overtones - Simple Song (8.39 MB file)
Free Mp3 ---> Rustic Overtones - Feast or Famine (8.89 MB file)
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Nigel Hall,
Rustic Overtones,
Girl Power for Ultra8201

Local website, Ultra8201 is hosting a show at La Zona Rosa tonight. Tickets are $8 at the door and the show features three of Texas' up-and-coming acts. Ume is playing the headlining slot and believe me they are definitely worth your time. They're a three piece band with some fantastic stage-presence and very catchy rock tunes. I caught them at the Mohawk last week and they pretty much blew me away.
Free Mp3 courtesy of End Sounds, thanks.
Free Mp3 ---> True Widow - I.N.O.
More True Widow and the White White Lights after the jump...

The one thing that all three bands playing La Zona tonight have in common is they each have a kick-ass rock 'n roll female in the band. Don't worry though, this is Austin they're not all going to try to get all vampy and cutesy these ladies sling axes and know what's up.
I couldn't really find any video for you to check out on the White White Lights by they have songs for you to hear over on their MySpace page.
Here's some video from the other two bands.
True Widow - Album Sampler video via YouTube
I'm pretty sure I already posted this video, but what the h it's a good song/video.
Ume -the Conductor video via YouTube
Don't forget, shows at La Zona are usually over around midnight so don't be too fashionably late or you'll miss everything! See you there.
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Friday, May 1, 2009
DCFC Vs. {{{Sunset}}}
Ra Ra Riot - Can You Tell video via YouTube
I usually don't go to shows at venues larger than say...La Zona Rosa so I don't have tickets to see Death Cab for Cutie with Ra Ra Riot. They are playing at the Austin Music Hall tonight and, as you may have guessed, the show is sold-out. So you're either going to get scalped tickets or you're going to spend your evening discovering lesser known, immensely talented musicians.
Free Mp3's courtesy of Barsuk Records, thanks.
Free Mp3 ---> Death Cab for Cutie - A Movie Script Ending
Free Mp3 ---> Death Cab for Cutie - Title and Registration
Free Mp3 ---> Ra Ra Riot - Dying is Fine
Keep it local after the jump...
Speaking of lesser-known/immensely-talented artists...I noticed that one of my favorite local acts is doing a show at Hole in the Wall tonight. You can see/hear {{{Sunset}}} do their thing and say you saw them before they dissolved. I feel like they had a lot of blog-buzz going, around the time they released their album, Bright Blue Dream but I haven't heard much about them of late. I'm already a fan so I'm going to encourage you to not go downtown on a Friday night (for once) and instead head to the drag for {{{Sunset}}} you wont' regret it, unless you're a total d-bag.
Free Mp3 courtesy of {{{Sunset}}}, thanks.
Free Mp3 ---> {{{Sunset}}} - When Perfect Flames Expire
{{{Sunset}}} - Go to Mexico video via YouTube
I feel like {{{Sunset}}} wants to make it hard to collect all of their music. Maybe it's a reaction to once being signed to a major label (some members were a part of Sound Team), or maybe they are just into scavenger hunts. To be honest I kind of like that you have to shop in at least three formats to get all of {{{Sunset}}}'s material. Their latest album is a 7" that's only on vinyl. The above video shows, Pink Cloud a limited edition cassette tape release. Lucky for me I live in Austin so I can go to End of an Ear and ask them to ask {{{Sunset}}} to bring in more copies of whatever I'm missing. Here's the first video I ever posted from the {{{Sunset}}} folks, but that was a long time ago so I'm re-posting it for y'all.
{{{Sunset}}} - Zombies video via YouTube
This one's from Bright Blue Dream, an earlier album than The Glowing City, which has the Zombies track.
{{{Sunset}}} - Diamond Studded Caskets video via YouTube
To me, this song has soundtrack written all over it.
{{{Sunset}}} - Man's Heart Complaint video via YouTube
In an almost totally unrelated note, I don't think I've adequately professed my love for Nada Surf on this site as of late. I noticed while collecting Death Cab and Ra Ra Riot mp3's that Nada Surf are label mates. So, I'm going to post all the Mp3's that Barsuk has from Nada Surf because I love them and I want you to love them too. Note how the song Popular will not be included.
Free Mp3's courtesy of Barsuk Records, thanks.
Free MP3 ---> Nada Surf - See These Bones
Free MP3 ---> Nada Surf - Do It Again
Free MP3 ---> Nada Surf - Blankest Year
The next song I downloaded from Stereogum a LONG time ago and it's what made me realize that Nada Surf had lots of albums and that their songs didn't sound anything like Popular, the one song I knew at that point. In short this song made me a fan of Nada Surf
Free MP3 ---> Nada Surf - Blonde on Blonde
Nada Surf - Weightless video via YouTube
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Death Cab for Cutie,
Nada Surf,
Ra Ra Riot,
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Austin City Limits Fest '09
Yesterday the official line-up for Austin City Limits Festival '09 was announced. You can see the complete list, at least complete thus-far here. Chances are by the time the schedule is released there will be lots of additions. They usually don't mention too many of the local bands on the big poster.
To be honest, I'm not super-excited about the big headlining acts but I'm not a big headlining-act kind of person. One of the reasons I love living in Austin is all of the intimate venues we have scattered throughout the city. That's why I'm excited about the after-shows at the clubs. They haven't announced those yet, and they usually don't until some point in the summer but I have a few guesses/hopes for such shows...
Phoenix - Lisztomania video via YouTube
See more after-show guesses/ACL highlight after the jump...
The fact that Phoenix doesn't have any other Austin dates on their schedule, other than ACL, is a pretty good sign that they'll have an after-show. That and the fact that by October rolls around their album, Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix will have hit the streets hard by that point. It's not due out until May 26th but that record leaked awhile back and it's pretty flippin' amazing. Eight of the nine tracks could be singles, and they already played SNL.
My next hope/guess for an after-show would have to be the Dead Weather. It's Jack White's new band and he plays drums in this one. He played ACL last year with the Raconteurs but they didn't play an after-show so maybe this is a bad guess. We'll see...
the Dead Weather - Hang You From the Heavens video via YouTube
I must say, however, that I prefer the pop sensibilities that Brendan Benson brings to the table with the Raconteurs. It really softens Jack White's raw, blues thing.
Brendan Benson - Cold Hands (Warm Heart) video via YouTube
Oh man, as I look over the ACL line-up there are a few names that jump out as possibilities like the Decemberists, Dan Auerbach, Thievery Corporation, Soundtribe Sector 9, but nothing really screams out as being a sure bet. I hope Bon Iver does an after-show and if Girl Talk or Bassnectar do one I am SO there. I have already seen both Girl Talk and Bassnectar but DAAAYOMN those were some bad-ass sets of music.
Bon Iver - re:Stacks video via YouTube
It's going to be pretty abrupt if I jump from Bon Iver to Girl Talk so I'll ease you in with some Grizzly Bear remixed by Girl Talk. Grizzly Bear will also be at ACL-fest and played an after-show a few years back. I have my tickets to see them at the Parish Room in June so I'm seeing 'em no matter what.
Grizzly Bear - Knife (Girl Talk Rejuxtapositioning) video via YouTube
Bassnectar's set at the Playboy Party was ear-bleadingly loud but it was also kick ass. This one song doesn't really give you the full experience but the sound on all the live videos was total shit.
Bassnectar - Bomb the Blocks 10" Mix video via YouTube
It would also be kind of nice if Dr. Dog did an after-show. They have played in Austin about half a dozen times in the last few years. Many more times than that if you consider each of their seperate SXSW shows but somehow I have yet to see them. They even played at End of an Ear and I missed it, but I really like those guys. I feel like I mix them up with Blitzen Trapper sometimes, which is unfair but hey it happens. Yes, I have posted this video fairly recently but come on it's a great song.
Dr. Dog - Hang On video via YouTube
Incidentally, Blitzen Trapper is ALSO playing ACL so prepare to mix them up yourselves. Also, I've posted this video as well but get off my back already geez.
Blitzen Trapper - Furr video via YouTube
The last vid I'm going to re-post is one of my favorite songs from way back whenever it came out. It's from DevotchKa, who will also be at this years ACL and are also a good guess for an after-show.
DevotchKa - Transliterator video via YouTube
Dang it I couldn't resist putting one more Grizzly Bear song since the other one was a remix.
Grizzly Bear - On a Neck, On a Spit video via YouTube
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To be honest, I'm not super-excited about the big headlining acts but I'm not a big headlining-act kind of person. One of the reasons I love living in Austin is all of the intimate venues we have scattered throughout the city. That's why I'm excited about the after-shows at the clubs. They haven't announced those yet, and they usually don't until some point in the summer but I have a few guesses/hopes for such shows...
Phoenix - Lisztomania video via YouTube
See more after-show guesses/ACL highlight after the jump...
The fact that Phoenix doesn't have any other Austin dates on their schedule, other than ACL, is a pretty good sign that they'll have an after-show. That and the fact that by October rolls around their album, Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix will have hit the streets hard by that point. It's not due out until May 26th but that record leaked awhile back and it's pretty flippin' amazing. Eight of the nine tracks could be singles, and they already played SNL.
My next hope/guess for an after-show would have to be the Dead Weather. It's Jack White's new band and he plays drums in this one. He played ACL last year with the Raconteurs but they didn't play an after-show so maybe this is a bad guess. We'll see...
the Dead Weather - Hang You From the Heavens video via YouTube
I must say, however, that I prefer the pop sensibilities that Brendan Benson brings to the table with the Raconteurs. It really softens Jack White's raw, blues thing.
Brendan Benson - Cold Hands (Warm Heart) video via YouTube
Oh man, as I look over the ACL line-up there are a few names that jump out as possibilities like the Decemberists, Dan Auerbach, Thievery Corporation, Soundtribe Sector 9, but nothing really screams out as being a sure bet. I hope Bon Iver does an after-show and if Girl Talk or Bassnectar do one I am SO there. I have already seen both Girl Talk and Bassnectar but DAAAYOMN those were some bad-ass sets of music.
Bon Iver - re:Stacks video via YouTube
It's going to be pretty abrupt if I jump from Bon Iver to Girl Talk so I'll ease you in with some Grizzly Bear remixed by Girl Talk. Grizzly Bear will also be at ACL-fest and played an after-show a few years back. I have my tickets to see them at the Parish Room in June so I'm seeing 'em no matter what.
Grizzly Bear - Knife (Girl Talk Rejuxtapositioning) video via YouTube
Bassnectar's set at the Playboy Party was ear-bleadingly loud but it was also kick ass. This one song doesn't really give you the full experience but the sound on all the live videos was total shit.
Bassnectar - Bomb the Blocks 10" Mix video via YouTube
It would also be kind of nice if Dr. Dog did an after-show. They have played in Austin about half a dozen times in the last few years. Many more times than that if you consider each of their seperate SXSW shows but somehow I have yet to see them. They even played at End of an Ear and I missed it, but I really like those guys. I feel like I mix them up with Blitzen Trapper sometimes, which is unfair but hey it happens. Yes, I have posted this video fairly recently but come on it's a great song.
Dr. Dog - Hang On video via YouTube
Incidentally, Blitzen Trapper is ALSO playing ACL so prepare to mix them up yourselves. Also, I've posted this video as well but get off my back already geez.
Blitzen Trapper - Furr video via YouTube
The last vid I'm going to re-post is one of my favorite songs from way back whenever it came out. It's from DevotchKa, who will also be at this years ACL and are also a good guess for an after-show.
DevotchKa - Transliterator video via YouTube
Dang it I couldn't resist putting one more Grizzly Bear song since the other one was a remix.
Grizzly Bear - On a Neck, On a Spit video via YouTube
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Monday, April 27, 2009
Mates of State/Black Kids @ La Zona
Black Kids - I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance With You video via YouTube
I feel like Black Kids had kind of bottle-rocket thing going on last year. They had a really buzzy EP toward the end of '07 that almost no one listened to. Then their album came out Springish '08 and it was all over the radio, on television and in movies. In that moment, let's say July '08, I feel like they reached peak saturation and fizzled. I'm not saying they're a bad band, by any means, in fact I recommend you see them at La Zona Rosa tomorrow night. Partly 'cause the Black Kids have such catchy, New-Wave tunes but mostly because Mates of State are the opening act.
Free Mp3's courtesy of Barsuk Records, thanks.
Free Mp3 ---> Mates of State - My Only Offer
Free Mp3 ---> Mates of State - Think Long
Free Mp3 ---> Mates of State - Fraud in the 80's
Have you ever gone to a concert just to see the opening band? I saw Cake once just because the Walkmen were opening. Cake put on a good show too but I didn't stay for their whole set. I also went to see the Cure during their Curiouso tour so I could see all the opening bands. I left shortly after Boys Don't Cry but that was mostly a parking lot/traffic issue. In any case, at this point, tickets are still on available for tomorrow night's show and they'll set you back about $25.
In a completely and totally unrelated note whilst perusing YouTube I discovered this video of Bon Iver doing Dance, Dance, Dance with Lykke Li. How did I not hear about this already? I love Bon Iver AND Lykke Li!
Lykke Li with Bon Iver - Dance, Dance, Dance video via YouTube
And this is related to the last thing but not the first thing, it's another Bon Iver cover song...technically it's a Feist cover by Bon Iver from Aussie radio.
Bon Iver - The Park video via YouTube
Feist - 1, 2, 3, 4 (Sesame Street Version) video via YouTube
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Black Kids,
Bon Iver,
La Zona Rosa,
Lykke Li,
Mates of State,
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