Friday, March 7, 2014

SXSW 2014 Preview: SW/MM/NG

Each single SW/MM/NG released last year was better than the last and I liked the first one. The band has been around for several years releasing demos, singles and EPs but they only hit my radar in the fall of last year. With a touch of garage, a dash of psychedelia and enough melody to be a pop band this band will jangle their way into your cold, black heart if you let them. It doesn't look like you'll have too many opportunities to see SW/MM/NG at SXSW but the band is based in Fayettville, which leads me to believe they'll be coming back through Austin several times this year. If I lived in Fayettville I think I would try to be on tour at least 300 days a year.

SW/MM/NG - Some Dreams Come True video via YouTube

Did I say a few chances to catch SW/MM/NG? Well, it looks like there is actually only one and that's their official showcase. If you don't have official SXSW credentials, don't fret. SW/MM/NG's showcase is at Valhalla, which is quite large and I expect the cover will only be around $10 if you don't have official credentials. You can find the full line-up on the Old Flame & Bar/None Records Official SXSW Showcase presented by Revolution Songs Event Page.

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