So half of you are so over White Denim it's ridiculous and the other half of you have no idea who I'm talking about. But, to be honest this post has more to do with Nigel Godrich. He's the super-genius producer behind Radiohead, Beck and many, many others. Well he films a webcast show called From the Basement and he features some Austin Bloggy Limits favorites. Including White Denim, Beck, Architecture in Helsinki, Jamie Lidell, Fleet Foxes, Band of Horses, Jose Gonzalez and many many others. All of the vids are done with HD cameras with Nigel Godrich mixing the live sound to perfection. So I recommend you head on over and scope out all the hot indie rock goodness before it goes mainstream and magically sucks.
Bonus Radiohead vids after the jump...
You may have heard of this band called Radiohead well they did a whole webcast From the Basement most of which is on YouTube and was rebroadcast on VH1 between Celebreality shows.
Radiohead - Weird Fishes/Arpeggi video via YouTube
Radiohead - House of Cards video via YouTube
Radiohead - Bodysnatchers video via YouTube
The White Stripes actually played From the Basement way back in 2005:
The White Stripes - Little Ghost video via YouTube
If you want to see Austin's own White Denim From the Basement you'll have to link.