Oh wait, you guys, I just thought of a couple more things you could do.
Caveman - In The City video via YouTube
Bloggy Favs, Caveman return to Austin in support of their brilliant, self-titled, sophmore LP. That news in and of itself is enough to inspire the purchase of tickets (at the door) for this show at Emo's. But there's more to it than that.
You see, the reason Caveman are back in Austin tonight is to support Ra Ra Riot! I'm not saying it's their fault BUT I feel like the last time Ra Ra Riot played Austin, it also rained. This show is inside, there is on-site parking and it's NOT DOWNTOWN ON A FRIDAY NIGHT. Just throwing that out there.
Ra Ra Riot - Dance With Me video via YouTube
If you're a musical loca-vore then you need to be at Red 7 to bid Markov adieu. Yes, you read that correctly tonight's appearance on Red 7's inside stage is the band's last scheduled appearance as Markov. Find out what makes Markov Austin's best post-rock band. I can use present tense until their set is over tonight! Oh, and did I mention that Markov's final show is FREE?!?! Because it is.

There's probably some other stuff you could do tonight but I don't want to hear about it.