Well dear reader, I'm sure you were expecting more posts regarding SXSW as it was happening. But seriously there is like NO time for all that during the festival. I don't know how the heck Perez Hilton can be bicycling around Austin and still keeping up with Celebublogging. I needed a day or two to decompress after the festival. But here is my highlights/awards post, yeah!!
First let me give out some marketing awards. SXSW is all about marketing your product to the hipster masses. I think Astralwerks records wins most clever marketing with their MicroSD card sampler. I like the idea of a sampler I could swallow if I had to. Most unexpected marketing is a tie between Pop Tarts and Cup O'Noodle soups, both of which were available at the Mohawk. Who's eating Cup O'Noodle at a SXSW day party?
More awards and video after the jump...
The award for my favorite performance by a band or artist I had previous knowledge of goes to, the Dirty Projectors. Their performance at the Pitchfork party at Emo's was totally entrancing. I absolutely loved everything about it, the only problem was the set was SO short I think they only played 4 or 5 songs.
Dirty Projectors - A Take-Away Show video via YouTube
The award for favorite performance by a band I had never heard of goes to Francis & the Lights. They were so fun, I felt like I was at an 80's prom. Honorable mention goes to a completely different sort of musical performance by, the Wheel. They were so honest and raw, intimate and such it was like the complete opposite performance style but was equally entertaining.
Francis & the Lights - The Top video via YouTube
The Wheel - Hanging Surrender video via YouTube
The award for worst kept secret performance is a three-way tie this year! Jane's Addiction, Kanye West, and Metallica all showed up to do some not-so-secret performances. I will give Kanye a special nod for keeping Common's appearance a secret though.
Jane's Addiction - Rock the Rabbit '09 Ultra8201.com video via YouTube
Kanye, Common, Badu - The Light video via YouTube
The award for artists I'm kind of pissed that I missed goes to: Passion Pit, Beach House, White Lies and Grizzly Bear. The award for band I'm pissed that I DID see because they were such arrogant assholes goes to...Glasvegas.
Beach House - Gila video via YouTube
Passion Pit - Sleepyhead video via YouTube
Glasvegas literally said, "We don't care about the people, we have enough fans." That was about the point I left. They suck, don't buy the record, steal it from BitTorrent and burn copies for everyone you know. After all they have enough fans.
Glasvegas - It's My Own Cheating Heart video via YouTube
The award for most talked about party...hmmm, this one is tough to call. I'd say the Fader Fort, Rock the Rabbit, One Night with Perez, and the Red Bull moon towers were all equally hyped. Personally I only attended the Rock the Rabbit and Fader parties and I liked the Fader one more...sorry Playboy. Rock the Rabbit was just too effing loud, you try networking when Calvin Harris is spinning some HEAVY Drum 'n Bass with the amps on 11. I'm talking ears bleeding loud. Fer realz.
Well I think I've given out all the awards I had intended to, so here's a list of the artists I had the opportunity to see for free at SXSW '09...not necessarily in order but pretty much chronologically:
Little Boots,
New Villager,
the Wheel,
the Donkeys,
School of 7 Bells,
Francis & The Lights,
Late of the Pier,
Max Tundra,
the Pains of Being Pure at Heart,
the Dirty Projectors,
King Khan & the Shrines,
Department of Eagles,
Jason Lytle,
Vivian Girls,
the Grates,
Bun B,
Kanye West,
Farnsworth Bentley,
Kid Cudi,
Erykah Badu,
Mr. Hudson,
Tony Williams,
Big Shine (sp?),
Jane's Addiction,
Calvin Harris,
I really feel like I might be missing a name or two but I tried to keep a running list throughout the week and that was it.
If you would like a more play by play approach to my SXSW '09 experience. I suggest you peep my Twitter 'cause I was all over the Tweets last week.