Tuesday, February 17, 2009

RSVP Quick and Dirty

I want to preface this video, for those of you who have never been to SXSW, by saying that the audience at a typical SXSW gig is a bunch of Meta-Hipsters who can't be bothered to look like they care about whatever band is on stage. I mean, if you think about it, SX is for industry types more than it is for fans. Who else could afford those damn badges? I'm straying here, back to the video...

This takes place at the Levis/Fader Fort, it was at roughly 1 or 2 in the afternoon. The place wasn't very full, it's broad daylight and everyone is sort of casually standing around with their free drinks and cameras. Well Gallows didn't really like that...If you look real close you may spot me, I was to the camera man's right.

Gallows UK - Live @ SXSW '07 video via YouTube

You should click the word YouTube above and read the comments, it's hillarious.

Ok, so there is a quick and dirty list of RSVP links is after the jump.

My friend, Bonnie has been scouring the internets and compiled a handful of parties to RSVP.

Dandy ID

Pure Volume


Talking House Records

Space Out Party

The Bay Area Take-Over

Are we getting excited yet?

Of course we are still looking/waiting for the Levi's/Fader Fort party. Last year I RSVP'd before the line-up was announce, which was good because I think the list was open for less than a week. These folks know how to book a party! Free booze (obvs it's SX), places to sit and watch a performance in a parking lot, free shiz (last year I won some Ray-Bans, Levis and Pumas(thanks)). As far as the music, well, check out last year's Line-Up.