I feel like I've been a bit out of touch as of late. But even at a cursory glance/listen I can tell you there's a lot of buzz around the latest Gang Gang Dance album. The name of the new LP is Saint Dymphna and it is some of that genre-hopping unclassifiable stuff. The closest musical comparison I could make is probably Animal Collective so be prepared this stuff is from another planet.
There's some crazy skittering electronic noises layered with little-girl vocals and all sorts of textural guitar playing. The record certainly has some 80's pop music influences but it's pretty far from pop music. In any case you can sample a couple of tracks from the new album below.
Gang Gang Dance - Desert Storm
Gang Gang Dance - House Jam (XXXchange Remix)
Also you'll find some tour info and videos after the jump...
GGD will be here in Austin on November 21st and tickets are available today.
For other tour info, check GGD's MySpace
Gang Gang Dance - Retina Riddim Excerpt video via YouTube
Gang Gang Dance - House Jam (Live) video via YouTube
Just 'cause I mentioned them earlier here's a sample of Animal Collective in case you don't know what sort of mayhem they inspire:
Animal Collective - Peacebone video via YouTube
This is somewhat of a reach BUT Panda Bear is one of the 3 members of Animal Collective and I just wanted an excuse to post this song:
Panda Bear - Bros video via YouTube
Just for fun you should try to decipher the lyrics to that Panda Bear song...no cheating!
You may, may, may find that you're alright