Blitzen Trapper is one of those bands that I had heard a lot about but I hadn't actually heard their music until I saw them live at SXSW. In person their music is very textured, energetic and folk-rocky. What can I say revivalist folk rock is the order of the day for indie-rock, which is a pleasant change from the dance-rock revival of the last couple of years. What's old is new again and I think everyone has been listening to their parent's copy of The Band's, Music from Big Pink and Mountain's, classic record, Climbing.
Blitzen Trapper's latest release is called, Furr and it's already appearing on a lot of year end lists. The new record sounds intimate, like you're sitting in the same room with the band. It also has a very vintage sound, as if this record was just unearthed from a time capsule, only the textural keyboard embellishments give it away as a contemporary LP.
Portland, Oregonians, Blitzen Trapper will be playing the Mohawk on Wednesday (Thanksgiving Eve), with like-minded indie folkies, the Parson Red Heads.
Parson Red Heads are from L.A. and although their name is awkward their melodies will stick with you for days. You'll feel like you already know the songs even though it's the first time you're hearing them. If you don't believe me check out the track, Punctual as Usual below.
Blitzen Trapper - Furr
Blitzen Trapper - Gold for Bread
Parson Red Heads - Punctual as Usual
Parson Red Heads - Days of My Youth
Video after the jump...
Blitzen Trapper - Wild Mountain Nation video via YouTube
Blitzen Trapper - Furr video via YouTube
Parson Red Heads - Punctual as Usual video via YouTube