Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Planning Ahead: TIcket Round-Up

If you're anything like me, you don't want to see live music for at least a week after SXSW but guess what kiddos? There are lots of great shows on the horizon and lots of them will be sold-out by the time you want to go. So, once again it's ticket round-up time! Some of these shows I'm hesitant to post about because I fear they will sell-out before even I can get tickets but I love you so much that I"m going to share them with YOU the Bloggy-faithful. As usual, click the name of the artist to go to the ticket purchase page. Click the name of the venue to go to that venue's website. This is not a comprehensive list and this list is not, necessarily an endorsement of said artist nor said venue. Lastly, if you see this it means the show is sold-out. Find the FULL round-up after the break but consider this video a sneak peak.

Tennis - Origins video via YouTube