Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Planning Ahead: Lotsa Ticket Links

Well folks, you may have noticed from the lack of activity here at Austin Bloggy Limits, that I am lazy. Also, it's European festival season, which means a lot of my indie-rock crushes and darlings are playing to fields full of muddy people. However, there are still good shows in the future, for which tickets are available NOW. It is for that reason that I am giving you info and ticket links about noteworthy shows on sale now. I am prefacing this by saying that I do not, necessarily, endorse all of the following shows, artists, etc. It is just my way of being informative. So, which I may not, specifically, be a fan of Owl City I recognize that some of you are fans hence the inclusion of that show.

The only show I want to mention before the break is happening this Friday and features a fantastic local line-up sponsored by the wretchedly out of touch 101x. It's weird how a station can be so good at sponsoring shows and so bad at playing the artists performing at said shows. With that being said, you should grab yourself some tickets to see White Denim and TV Torso at Antone's. I highly approve of these artists. Those of you who are saying, "Oh White Denim they play all the time, I'm bored with them, blah." First of all, you're an asshole, secondly their newest album D is fucking awesome so shut the fuck up and get a ticket already you whiny bitch. Also, if you talk through their set imma let you finish, then imma throw a drink in your face. Wow, I just got salty there sorry about that.

White Denim - Street Joy video via YouTube

Just like the last post of this nature that I did, the rest of this post will simply give you the artist and venue, if you click the artist's name it SHOULD take you to a ticket link for that show. Otherwise, the resources I used are: C3 Presents, Transmission Entertainment, Ticketfly, and Emo's. Also, I have not included the dates for these events and this listing is more by venue than chronological. I figure, you'll click if you're interested and that will give you the date. Like I said above the break, I'm lazy.

Battles - Ice Cream video via YouTube