You know a band is going to be the next big thing, when their first performance as a full band is on the Conan O'Brien show. Well that performance was this passed Friday night and that band was Department of Eagles. Chances are you have never heard of these guys but trust me you will soon enough.
See before, Daniel Rossen became a member of Grizzly Bear he formed a band with his NYU roommate. The first Department of Eagles record came and went with little acclaim, then Grizzly Bear took off. Well, now you can finally purchase the second Department of Eagles record entitled, In Ear Farm. It has the same slow, haunting sound as Grizzly Bear with more focus on tighter composition and a little more electronic influence. But don't worry this isn't a dance record or anything. Here are a couple of tracks for you to sample:
Department of Eagles - In Ear Farm
Department of Eagles - No One Does It Like You
Find some video after the jump...
First of all this song is a cover of an awful pop song by Jo Jo and this track has been making its rounds on the internets for almost a year now. However, it has re-emerged as a B-Side to the first DOE single, No One Does It Like You.
Daniel Rossen - Too Little, Too Late video via YouTube
Department of Eagles - No One Does it Like You video via YouTube
Grizzly Bear - The Knife video via YouTube