Saturday, January 2, 2010

Free Week is Upon Us

It's one of my top 5 favorite times of year to live in Austin, Free Week is here, dear reader. What is free week, you may ask? Well boys and girls, it's pretty much what it sounds like, a plethora of free, local, rock 'n roll at your favorite Red River-regioned venues downtown. What was once an event exclusive to Emo's, has spread, like swine-flu, to venues all over downtown and this blogger has never been happier with an infestation. Not only is Emo's still on board, but Red 7, the Mohawk, Beauty Bar, the Parish room, and even Stubb's Jr. are all hosting free events this week. Lots of folks are now dubbing free week a, sort of, locals-only SXSW. I wouldn't consider it to be THAT grand yet, but it is grand enough that I'm highlighting THREE shows for you to check out tonight.

When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth - It's Not the Heat, It's the Humidity video via YouTube

I think that's my third time posting that same Birds on Fire video from When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth but it's such a clever video. Besides you try searching "When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth" and see how many useful results you get. In any case, they'll be headlining the inside stage at Red 7 tonight, you should bring yourself and your earplugs and check out the intensity that is their live performance. Get there early enough to catch out Off the Record "Band to Watch", Dikes of Holland.

Dikes of Holland - How to Lose Somebody video via YouTube

My second show pick of the night, is one you could probably guess if you read this site with any sort of frequency. I suggest you head over to, the Free-Week originators, at Emo's and check out Matador Records signees Harlem while they're still gigging locally. They're headlining so expect a late start time, let's say 12:45ish (A.M.(duh)).

Free Mp3 courtesty of Matador Records, thanks.

Free Mp3 ---> Harlem - Friendly Ghost

Harlem - Someday Soon video via YouTube

My third, and final choice for local band you should check out tonight, may come as a bit of a surprise to you. I'm suggesting you check out Lions over at the Mohawk. They've been playing around town for quite a while and I feel like they get little to no recognition from the music "press". These guys have a more classic-rock/metal style than indie style (read not jangly) but they can seriously riff and you will definitely enjoy the passionate performance of their tunes. Besides, y'all know I love the 'Hawk even if they do host mothaphuckin karaoke on my birthday...not cool Mohawk, not cool.

Lions - Metal Heavy Lady video via YouTube

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Bloggy's '09

I'm always hesitant to do best of lists, both because they are subjective and because they are a pain in the ass to code. However, as a music fan I am also a fan of lists, so let me begin with some disclaimers. Firstly, I didn't listen to every album that came out this year, so it's tough to accurately rank them. Secondly, these aren't, necessarily, the "best" albums they're more like my favorites. Lastly, I'll probably end up forgetting something I loved, or you loved or we all love but that's the breaks once this goes up it's up and we'll all have to deal with the consequences thereafter. With that all said, I give you the Bloggy's for 2009:


Kings of Convenience - Declaration of Dependance


Pains of Being Pure at Heart - The Pains of Being Pure at Heart


M. Ward - Hold Time


Whitest Boy Alive - Rules


Fever Ray - Fever Ray


Jack PeƱate - Everything is New


Bad Veins - Bad Veins


Neon Indian - Psychic Chasms


Bat For Lashes - Two Suns


the XX - XX


Girls - Album


the Very Best - Warm Heart of Africa


Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavillion


Harlem Shakes - Technicolor Health


Surfer Blood - Astrocoast


Passion Pit - Manners


St. Vincent - Actor


Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix


Dirty Projectors - Bitte Orca


Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest

Ok, now you've seen the Bloggy's for 2009!! You may have noticed that the Surfer Blood album isn't officially released until 01/19/10, HOWEVER I purchased the album from the band when they played Beerland in October, so it's totally on the list. Also, I was somewhat hesitant to put the Passion Pit album so high on the list, they did become MTV darlings and my street-cred may now be tarnished but that's a fine LP GD it! If you have any thoughts, comments, etc. You know where to reach me.