Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Japandroids, Neon Indian + Randomness!

How do y'all feel about Japandroids? I feel like they're one of those bands that I really want to like simply because their name is so clever but I'm not completely sold on them yet. Sure, it's jangly and it's a little Strokes-ish but I haven't found a hook that gets stuck in my head yet. Perhaps it will take a live viewing to fully appreciate Japandroids. I find it's often best to wait until you can see a band perform their material before making a final judgement call. For those of you who aren't digging on the Dirty Projectors catch 'em live and THEN listen to the record again. Sorry, that came out of nowhere. If you want to see Japandroids they'll be playing at Emo's Thursday night and the tickets'll set you back a cool $8.

Japandroids - I Quit Girls video via YouTube

Free Mp3 courtesy of Polyvinyl Records, thanks.

Free Mp3 ---> Japandroids - Young Hearts Spark Fire

Oh, and since I referenced the Dirty Projectors above just wanted to remind you that they are coming back to Austin AGAIN later this month. So, if you missed them at SXSW, or at Red 7, or at ACL fest then you can still catch them at Antone's on the 26th. As of the writing of this post tickets are still available.

In a completely unrelated note, local artist Alan Palomo's, Neon Indian LP, Psychic Chasms is finally out today. He'll be performing with/as his Neon Indian project as well as his Vega project at FunFunFunFest! I don't know about you but I'm definitely going to get my dance on at F3Fest this year.

Free Mp3's courtesy of Lefse Records, thanks.

Free Mp3 ---> Neon Indian - Deadbeat Summer

Free Mp3 ---> Neon Indian - Terminally Chill

It feels like this Neon Indian jam has been out for awhile now but maybe you haven't heard it yet? I don't know.

Neon Indian - Deadbeat Summer video via YouTube

I don't know about you, but I've been itching to hear the Psychic Chasms LP. See you at End of an Ear?

Sunday, October 11, 2009

BLK JKS Tomorrow

I feel like I have probably mentioned this show once or twice already but I wanted to remind y'all that tomorrow night BLK JKS will be back in Austin for the first time since their LP was released. I had a chance to catch this S. African band at SXSW '07 and they blew me away. Their music is instantly classic yet completely fresh at the same time. Given that a ticket will only set you back about $10 you should probably check them out. I suspect that the next time they swing through town they will be exponentially more famous then they are today. For some reason I truly expect them to be playing Coachella, Lollapalooza and all that business next summer. So catch 'em now while no one has heard of them yet.

BLK JKS - Molalatladi video via YouTube

Speaking of exciting, up-and-coming, African artists, I picked up Warm Heart of Africa by the Very Best yesterday. I had the mixtape from last year and I have been playing it quite a bit lately. But it's that title track, Warm Heart of Africa that has really made a home in my brain. BLK JKS actually spent some time in the studio with the Very Best contributing some instrumentation and vocals to their LP. I don't expect to see the Very Best here in Austin until SXSW but I did notice they will be doing some showcases in NYC for CMJ Fest later this month. If you're going to be in the city be sure to check them out.

the Very Best - Warm Heart of Africa video via YouTube

Oh, and yes that was Ezra Koenig of Vampire Weekend fame. That guy has been popping up all over the place lately. First he was on that track Carby by VW/Ra Ra Riot side-project, Discovery now this, the Very Best track. Up next is a new Vampire Weekend LP, the first track of which, can already be downloaded from their official site.

Discovery - Carby video via YouTube

The Emo's site doesn't say whether BLK JKS is an inside or outside show but I would venture to guess that's it's going to be an indoor event. If you get there early enough you can check out local artists, Wine and Revolution as well as TV Torso.

TV Torso - Live @ the Scoot Inn video via YouTube